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  • Emilio Linares ★★★
    Emilio Linares 3d ago
    ranger avatar L70
  • :))
  • 1 flag
    Savathun Zavala ★★★
    Savathun Zavala
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Trade was 2 wb PE (me) for 8 treebaby (him). Originally he was confused with how many we have traded and at the moment I only have 6 I am still missing 2. It has been weeks and he hasn't gotten back to me about finishing trade. He's been on and off for period of time but never responded to any of my messages that I've sent. I am hoping this will get him to finish the trades. If not, be careful trading multiple mobs with him.
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    Approved by Solid77 1 month ago.
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