LF bluedragoon feeder

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  • Ash Durham  ·  · 
    Ash Durham 8y ago
    ranger avatar L67
  • I'm happy where I am, thanks (no troop invites)
  • 9y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Ash Durham
    Ash Durham
     ·   · 
    Lacerate+ Rogue · 1
    Sleighdog water
    Riccardo G.
    Riccardo G.
     ·   · 
    comment picture
  • LF bluedragoon feeder
    pls if you need something contact me, he doesn t want to talk about trades
    $rangerName  ·  · 
    Riccardo G. in few days i ll have a blue leth/pound, deal for it :)?
    9y ago · translate
    Ash Durham  ·  · 
    Ash Durham Post it here in a few days if this is still here. Don't care what the blue has, will be a feeder
    9y ago · translate
    $rangerName  ·  · 
    Riccardo G. 
    declined   ·    9y ago
    $rangerName  ·  · 
    Riccardo G. may you max it :)? mine is max
    9y ago · translate
    $rangerName  ·  · 
    Riccardo G. please add fzoids in game and Francisco Pablo (battle camp image) on fb
    9y ago · translate
    Ash Durham  ·  · 
    Ash Durham ^ never replied after accepted
    9y ago · translate
    $rangerName  ·  · 
    Riccardo G. hi, pls id you want to contact me write me in this fb account, the other one is of my friend, and i m making the trade for him
    9y ago · translate
    $rangerName  ·  · 
    Riccardo G. if*
    9y ago · translate
    Ash Durham  ·  · 
    Ash Durham I've added you on FB and in game, you haven't accepted. Please place request here agin and I'll accept. You friend is in contact with me now
    9y ago · translate
    $rangerName  ·  · 
    Riccardo G. pls if you need something contact me, he doesn t want to talk about trades
    offer accepted   ·    9y ago · translate
    Ash Durham  ·  · 
    Ash Durham Accept my FB friend request then
    9y ago · translate

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