Looking for aquarius

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  • Akhil Thakur  ·  · 
    Akhil Thakur 9y ago
    ranger avatar L42
  • Looking for something new n powerful
  • 9y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Akhil Thakur
    Akhil Thakur
     ·   · 
    Counter+ Bulwark · 1
    Feastheart fire
    Patryk S.
    Patryk S.
    ★ ★ ★
    comment picture
  • Looking for aquarius
    MaryAnn L.  ·  ·  · 
    MaryAnn L. Is it counter or counter+?
    9y ago · translate
    Akhil Thakur  ·  · 
    Akhil Thakur its counter +.. are you interested
    9y ago · translate
    MaryAnn L.  ·  ·  · 
    MaryAnn L. I have same in aquarius but mine is maxed. Can you max yours? :)
    9y ago · translate
    Patryk S. ★★★
    Patryk S. 
    offer accepted   ·    9y ago
    Akhil Thakur  ·  · 
    Akhil Thakur No i m not going to max it...it doesn't make a difference.. i max ot for u for a max mob or i accept Nie's offer and max it for myself...
    9y ago · translate
    Akhil Thakur  ·  · 
    Akhil Thakur letme kno if u interested or else i accept Nie's offer
    9y ago · translate
    MaryAnn L.  ·  ·  · 
    MaryAnn L. Dont really understand why you say it wouldnt make a difference. Im not trading my maxed one for a not maxed one, so accept nies instead :)
    9y ago · translate
    Akhil Thakur  ·  · 
    Akhil Thakur The difference is i feed a new montser that i trade or i just keep feeding coz i want to trade, Sorry but i going with Nie :(
    9y ago · translate

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