This HAS TOWER BONUS, Looking For water Specials offers

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  • Fabio P. ★★★
    Fabio P. 2y ago
    ranger avatar L70
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  • 7y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Leah Stukes
    Leah Stukes
    ★ ★ ★
    1 Energized
    Brainfreeze water
  • This HAS TOWER BONUS, Looking For water Specials offers
    You can check the catalog and see that I am correct. Anyway, here is your maxed enrgized water.
    Al-Wane A. ★★★
    Al-Wane A. If you pe and Max
    Flupus water +250% attack
    Shaman · 1
    declined   ·    7y ago · translate
    Fabio P. ★★★
    Fabio P. Sorry Al but I can't PE in these days, but I can add the feeder Maxed
    7y ago · translate
    Fabio P. ★★★
    Fabio P. Add me on "FabioSquabb" and "ShinChan207" and I'll see how can we do
    7y ago · translate
    Al-Wane A. ★★★
    Al-Wane A. OK in 15 days you should be able to do some magic, ill add you
    7y ago · translate
    Al-Wane A. ★★★
    Al-Wane A. So how's it looking
    7y ago · translate
    Fabio P. ★★★
    Fabio P. Thanks for your offer Al-Wane but there are many other Flupus on BC RANK that I can reach for less than it so I decline, now I am very busy
    7y ago · translate
    Fabio P. ★★★
    Fabio P. And this is the reason why I can't PE and Max
    7y ago · translate
    Leah Stukes ★★★
    Leah Stukes 
    Rivercritter water +250% attack
    Bruiser · 1
    declined   ·    7y ago
    Fabio P. ★★★
    Fabio P. Leah I hope u are kidding
    7y ago · translate
    Leah Stukes ★★★
    Leah Stukes Must have read it wrong. I thought you wanted a water monster. It has a tower bonus as well.
    7y ago · translate
    Leah Stukes ★★★
    Leah Stukes I see now that you want water specials. I have those too. How many/what kind do you want?
    7y ago · translate
    Fabio P. ★★★
    Fabio P. (1) Your Rivercritter hasn't tower bonus and is T3, mine is T2... (2) Yes, I need water specials, 1x5 or 2x3
    7y ago · translate
    Leah Stukes ★★★
    Leah Stukes Actually it does have 250% tower bonus against dominian fire tower. You are correct that it is tier three.
    7y ago · translate
    Leah Stukes ★★★
    Leah Stukes You can check the catalog and see that I am correct. Anyway, here is your maxed enrgized water.
    Brainfreeze water
    offer accepted   ·    7y ago · translate
    Fabio P. ★★★
    Fabio P. Leah there was a misunderstanding, I mean the 25% tower bonus that only 3 Zodiac x tower have!
    7y ago · translate

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