Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last three events: 4,691st
  • 554k power rating pr avg: 50k
    troop flag11/25 rangers
    troop pet L2  3.5m hp
  • RULES:
    💔: This is not a "Dating" troop. We are here to have fun and help each other.
    🗣️; Feel free to speak your minds, but do not cause conflict amongst fellow troop members. This is a drama free zone so let's try to keep it that way.
    🤝: Be respectful to one another. Any vulgar or offensive/disrespectful attacks between troop members will result in a violation of troop code of conduct. A second violation will result in a ban from raids or any other social event for 48hrs. A third violation will result in an automatic kick from the troop.
    🐒: Spank the monkey. Any opportunity to do so, pet the troop pet. (This is optional but very highly recommended)
    💲: Troop donation. Donations are not strictly enforced but will be very much appreciated. Try to donate a minimum of 10S each day. This not only helps the troop, but, in turn, helps you as well.
    🕺: Have fun! That's why we are here! Work together and play together!

    We are a stoner based troop but all applicants welcome!
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