Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!
best rank in last two events: 3,129th
power rating
pr avg: 80k
6/25 rangers★kovbojmonsterL3 6.0m hp
So glad you join the troop!
Where going to need your help to beat the architect! Let's put an end to his evil schims! Tell the leader if your ready to fight him. (Leader is not done with lost temple)
Welcome to The Deadmans
Rules you should follow or else sans will give you a bad time"have a bad time":
like all achievements in news feed
donate at least 100 stones a day
if you're not active in at least 2 days, you'll be kicked out
pet/feed the troop pet
participate in troop raids
please battle Abyssion in camp to get a rare monster and the troop to have
have fun and stay Friendly!
Troop goal:get a PR of 60,000, and try to get to spring clearing.
Helpful hint: savage your rare monsters at troop hall to craft super eggs. Need (115 rare essence)
How to be admin:
always be on
chrisEPIC(the original leader)
Stay friendly and don't bully!
By your Awsome leader,
chrisEPIC -
Dating and Dragons3,5206y agounknown
Team Brawl818,2506y agounknown