Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last two events: 1,434th
  • 245k power rating pr avg: 82k
    troop flag3/25 rangers
    troop pet L1  1.0m hp
  • Welcome to the ranks of the OMEGA, a formidable force in the realm of online gaming. As a member of our elite troop, you'll embark on thrilling adventures, fight tough rivals, and develop lasting bonds with fellow hunters.

    - RULES :

    * Respect: Treat all members with respect.
    * Teamwork: Cooperation is key. Work together to achieve victory and support your fellow hunters in times of need.
    * Communication: Stay connected with your fellow hunters through our chat. Effective communication ensures seamless coordination during battles and events.
    * Activity: Stay active within the troop. Participate in raids, quests, and events to contribute to our collective success.
    * Progression: Strive for personal and troop-wide improvement. Share strategies, tips, and tricks to help each other grow stronger.
  • 1,434 th tier 36
    Raging Rabbits
    8mo ago
  • 41,859 th tier ??
    PVP Wars
    10y ago
    Unknown unknown
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