Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!
best rank in last three events: 6,684th
power rating
pr avg: 34k
17/25 rangers★MkitttyL2 3.5m hp
Welcome to JesusCow's Troops!
This is an easy going troop. But I have some rules.
Like ALL of everyone's achievements..
Liking their achievements will help everyone.
You have to be an active Player..
Players gone for more than two days without a notice will be removed from the tribe.
Participate in raids...
Players need to help the troop out with raids. If you cannot participate in raids please message me, otherwise you will be removed from the troop.
Pet Heatra daily...
Petting the troop pet daily will eventually result in a gift for the whole troop. Once Heatra's happiness reaches . To pet the troop pet all you have to do is go to the troop hall.
Feed Heatra...
Feeding Heatra will result in leveling up our troop pet. As Heatra levels up she becomes stronger. She also will start to change in form.
Donate Stones..
Donating stones will level up our troop! As our troop levels up more things are available in the troop store!
Message Mkittty if you have any questions. -
Troop Wars1,1737y agounknown
Dominion2447y agounknown
Laboratory of Love9407y agounknown