Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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  • 1.2m power rating pr avg: 76k
    troop flag16/25 rangers
    troop pet L3  6.0m hp
  • You might need some requirements for joining the troop. U must have a ultra monster or a evolved monster and you must be higher than level 20 unless you are permitted to
    . There are some rules to follow too.
    And also you need your Pr to be higher then 30,000 if it's not, contact me.
    1. Be kind and never bully.
    2. Donate 50 stones for troop level once
    a week
    3. Participate in events.
    4. Have fun
    5. Pet Troop pet
    6. Stay active and help on events ( meaning defeating enemies)
    7. Train hard
    8.If you have a job and you are not active, you have to sign off UNLESS you're an admin.
    9. Participate in Troop meetings.
    10. Use appropriate words in the troop.
    Troop Chat is a must. If I catch you not active for a full month, boom! UNLESS you have my permission.
    Contact my admins ( if they are not active, contact me on Saturday.
    Ps, I'm only active on Friday,Saturdays, and holidays
    Pps, my admins have my permission to not be active for a long time as long as they have a reason.
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