Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last three events: 911th
  • 1.5m power rating pr avg: 92k
    troop flag16/25 rangers
    troop pet L2  3.5m hp
  • Welcome to the troop! This is the second troop of the Savage Nation, sister to BloodThirsty Savages. Do great here and get a chance to move up:

    1) Respect your fellow troop mates. Members who are disrespectful get removed.

    2) Give like to all the announcements in the news feed section, as a sign of respect. You get prizes when you receive likes, and everyone likes prizes (or if you don't, others do).

    3) Pet the troop pet at least once every day, and feed him if you can.

    4) Donate at least 100+ stones per day, as a small membership fee, and to help our troop grow and so we get prizes.

    5) Participate in raids if we have opened one in the troop hall, and participate in any troop events. For a troop position, do one of the following & post in the chat what position you want:

    LEADER: Head Admin

    VICE LEADER: Donate a total of 5,000 stones.

    ATTACK LEADER: Donate a total of 4,000 stones.

    DEFENSE LEADER: Donate a total of 3,000 stones.

    SUPPORT LEADER: Donate a total of 1,500 stones.
  • 1,252 nd tier 36
    11mo ago
  • 911 th tier 36
    12mo ago
  • 1,504 th tier 36
    Battle Royale
    1y ago
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