Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last two events: 1,091st
  • 754k power rating pr avg: 47k
    troop flag16/25 rangers
    troop pet L1  1.0m hp
  • Welcome to Base for Camper

    Our troop is humble and active,always looking for new 'RANGERS' to help us grow,so we naturally thrive on active players.

    Petting the troop pet is a must, feeding the troop pet is optional.

    A minimum of 100 stone's per player weekly is must.

    You can go all in at troop event but, raids event we work together to give others a chance at trophies too.
    Remember to like all achievement at announcements to help each other and the troop grow.

    >Use troop chat to communicate
    >We are English speaking troop
    >Have ultra, super or better WB & Dom teams
    >Be friendly, active, motivated
    >Be great at communicating
    >To be admin you need to pet, donat good to troop 😊
    These are the requirements to make this group's stats climb faster.
    ==-- Please message with your event teams to be considered. --==

    We are a team and needs to work together to make it in.

    ***Please be active on chat on Battle camp***
  • 1,371 st tier 36
    Celestial Towers
    3y ago
  • 1,091 st tier 36
    Dominion FFA
    3y ago
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