Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last one events: 10,352nd
  • 775k power rating pr avg: 43k
    troop flag18/25 rangers
    troop pet L1  1.0m hp
  • This troop has people who like the water and go to the beach. Also, please pet the troop pet twice a day and you may donate to the troop but you don't have to. Once again pet the troop pet twice a day and the main thing is this troop has people who like the water and the beach. I know I said those things but they are very important. My favorite movie is Moana please do not ask why I included that into this writing. Lastly, people in this troop have to like animals! Oh! and if you join my troop search up fennec foxes that is all okay I am done.
  • 10,352 nd tier ??
    Celestial Towers
    6y ago
    Unknown unknown
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