Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last one events: 5,766th
  • 848k power rating pr avg: 39k
    troop flag22/25 rangers
    troop pet L2  3.5m hp
  • Welcome to ActiveWolverine ! (MIN 40K PR)

    - Whenever you can, please donate at least 150 Pet Stones to the Troop per WEEK. 150 Stones can be obtained with around 15 energy, as you get Stones often after battles, but also from selling unwanted monsters that you get afterwards.
    - Please try to engage in any Admin-Run Troop Raids or Troop Events whenever you can. This can lead to rewards for the whole Troop, and I'm sure we all love rewards.
    - Please try to pet our Troop Pet as often as you can (Every 6 hours) for a decent reward of 50 Pet Stones every time we complete the Feed the Troop Pet goal!
    - If you are busy and cannot log into the game for a few days, then please tell either Me(willsonrai)
    . 7 days of inactivity without reason is a kick!
    Happy camping, willsonrai!
  • 5,766 th tier ??
    Eat Pray Cluck
    7y ago
    Unknown unknown
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