Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last one events: 801st
  • 666k power rating pr avg: 42k
    troop flag16/25 rangers
    troop pet L2  3.5m hp
  • Welcome to Kings & Queens!

    This troop is a work in progress, but we will work hard to achieve anything. -TinyOreoPanda

    🚫 Rules: 🚫
    ⬛️ Pet the troop pet
    -Help our little buddy be happy and level up!
    ⬛️ Donate stones every Monday.
    -Help the troop level up!
    ⬛️ Be kind to each other
    -We have enough hate in this world, don't spread more hate.
    ⬛️ Participate in ALL events
    -Use all extra energy you have!
    ‼️ Notice: ‼️
    Troop chat will be active.

    If not active for more than 24 hours = kicked 👠
    Unless you tell a admin that you'll be gone for awhile.
    Being rude = kicked 👠
    Not participating in events = kicked 👠
    If you have any questions ask a admin, like me (This is my 4th account so I know a lot about this game😉)
    Have fun and enjoy!
  • 801 st tier 36
    Dominion FFA
    3y ago
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