Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!

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best rank in last one events: 1,624th
  • 1.1m power rating pr avg: 76k
    troop flag15/25 rangers
    troop pet L2  3.5m hp
  • Hi and welcome to Blue Roses! We’re a relatively easy-going troop with few rules. [NOTICE: We ask that only rangers who have earned their Wingdigo Badge join.]

    ••PARTICIPATE IN EVENTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE! We understand that not all of our rangers will be able to enter certain events areas, and that’s alright, but please join us in eventing when you can!
    ••DONATE AT LEAST 300 STONES EVERY 3 WEEKS! If you are able to donate in larger quantity or more frequently, please consider doing so.
    ••PET THE TROOP PET EVERY DAY THAT YOU ARE ACTIVE! A happy pet is a strong one!
    ••FEED THE TROOP PET AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE! Don’t let your unwanted specials go to waste!
    ••PARTICIPATE IN THE CHAT! We want to hear from you!

    REMEMBER: INACTIVITY = 🥾! If you are taking a break please let us know ahead of time! (If you disappear due to technical reasons or because something unexpected happens irl and you are kicked, join the troop again and let an admin know that you couldn’t help being inactive!
  • 1,624 th tier 36
    Hoppin' Mad
    4y ago
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