Event results and prize tiers for troops. See troop status, roster, total power rating, level, pet stats, and more!
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power rating
pr avg: 119k
6/25 rangers★SadHoshi69L1 1.0m hp
Looking for big hitters!!!
Want troop members who can hit LT once every other day and anyone with a good even team!! Need a min of 200pr and a plan to improve and strengthen the troop!!
Everyone in group needs to...
โขPet the troop pet and feed spare specials whenever possible.
โขany spare stones to benefit the group can be donated once a month for a min of 1000 stones
โขcommunicate for impact! Let team members when an event is coming up if you have a event team or a lot of energy to hit.
โขtop team members with the highest pr/best hits/communication will be made admin !!
Enjoy the troop!! This is for fun not for spending money and stressing over events. Just enjoy and do the best you can!!