Rules for trading on BC Rank. Violating any rules can result in an immediate ban.
Trading Rules
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No posting/offering fake monsters or any other abuse of the trading system. Only post monsters you own!
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No backing out of trades! Failure to communicate within 24 hours of the trade being accepted is considered backing out! Use the unaccept button to cancel a trade or you can be flagged.
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No amending deals after 24 hours. Also, asking someone to add a 3rd party or alternate account to trade with is against the rules.
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No delaying trades beyond a few days past the original trade date. You must also respond to messages regarding your trades within 24 hours, especially on or near trade day.
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No scamming or spamming.
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No trading for currency of any type or be banned. Trading is for Battle Camp monsters only!
5 or more flags will result in a permanent ban!