Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Don Spurlock  ·  ·  · 
    Don Spurlock 9y ago
    ranger avatar L43
  • Be the best
  • 1 flag
    Shellingford Jo ★★★
    Shellingford Jo
    Backed out of trade.

    We have to  2 trade today. But he blocked me again on FB. Already three times! And muted my message in BC.  i cant send him any message. Only BC rank. So i send him a message in BC with my friends ign. But he ignored. Then i saw his trade list. But the same mob(flupus) reserved yesterday. Rex for flupus trade. I have reserved his flupus 6 days ago. Here many screenshots are. 

    Approved by Solid77 9 years ago.
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