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  • Anderson M.  ·  · 
    Anderson M. 6y ago
    ranger avatar L56
  • 37ce0a
  • 2 flags
    Tejas S. ★★ · 
    Tejas S.
    Posted fake monsters.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleposted fake monster....but he says he didnt knew which was so untrue.....and later i send him compensation and after ceratain barganing he refuses to accept so i Flagged him.....Bad trader..

    - REP BAD TRADER!!!!!!!! ALERT!!!!!!!!
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
    Shao W. ★★★
    Shao W.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage title This is my trade with him. We confirmed deal, and then I realised he still made another new post on his same Aquarius drillipede away which I do not know why, and he accepted another new offer on his drillipede and backed out mine. It happened on Thursday 8am, and I saw his first message, so I trusted him a bit but still who would even sell epics in their right mind. So later I checked to see if he's lying, and its positive. I saw he also accepted a new deal ALSO on thursday 8am right before he messaged me Obviously he is a lousy liar which I caught him in the act and he has no screenshot of him sending ticket to pennypop about his story, to me. I conclude that thats why he blocked me off. 
    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
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