Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Renan Telles  ·  · 
    Renan Telles 8y ago
    ranger avatar L56
  • der
  • 1 flag
    Rodrigo L. ★★★
    Rodrigo L.

    First: You published your mob with passive wrong. Published as lethal, but it was actually rogue.

    Second: After talk on facebook, and he apologize, let aside the conversation and waited for the day of the trade. To honor the proposal created in BCrank.

    Third: Today, on the day of trade, it did not want to do more. Recalling that since the day I was accepted this trade, I no longer published my Sleighdog, and so, I was 12 days overdue to negotiate this mob. For now I will have to wait another 12 days to negotiate with someone else.

    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
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