supposed to do double trade with him! my virgo hydrogenie vamp rogue+greenfly feeder for his e swap bunshee but after accepting my hydrogenie he just ignore all my msg and did not give me his eswap bunshee..becareful if you are trading with this guys, i trusted him but he disregard my trust. he even left his current troop because of this case..i guess its worthy for him for being a thief.
Two seasoned Rainbow PvPers slug it out in one of the preliminary rounds of the Rainbow Specials Tournament. Watch how each player make massive combos to knock each other out.
Watch Chanco21's water team vs. PHKES5's water team.
Chanco21 has a 1251 PvP rating and his team features 2 invincible, 1 counter, 1 shield, and 1 swap for actives.
Scamming or selling.
supposed to do double trade with him! my virgo hydrogenie vamp rogue+greenfly feeder for his e swap bunshee but after accepting my hydrogenie he just ignore all my msg and did not give me his eswap bunshee..becareful if you are trading with this guys, i trusted him but he disregard my trust. he even left his current troop because of this case..i guess its worthy for him for being a thief.