Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Ailton Jose  ·  · 
    Ailton Jose 6y ago
    ranger avatar L60
  • crush
  • 3 flags
    David D.  ·  ·  · 
    David D.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleBeen waiting 2 weeks for this guy to respond to my trade and fed up with waiting. Agreed to trade and even confirmed when we could trade the next day. Then ignores my messages when it comes time to trade Image titleImage title
    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
    Francesco T. ★★★
    Francesco T.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage title
    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
    Aurazy Ribeiro ★★★
    Aurazy Ribeiro
    Backed out of trade after 24h.

    We started deal on 16 july and trade would be available at 28 july, so he said we could trade on 29 july. The day before trade he offered me a different pet wich i declined. Trade was ready and he never put the promissed pet in his inventory nor gave any position of when we could trade. He ignored my messages for days after he became "offended" because i asked if the deal was canceled and i could flag him. I even had to ask an admin of his troop to know what was going on. I waited for 12 days after trade was available, that means 24 days my pet was reserved to him and he don't even care to give any position. He said he had my pet but I realy doubt that. So after all that time I gave up from trade. I didnt mind to wait if he had behave a little more respectfull and professional. Ignoring messages and never give a position is something pretty annoying.

    Fizemos acordo em 16 de julho e a trade estaria liberada em 28 de julho, então falou que podiamos trocar no dia 29. Um dia antes da troca ele me ofereceu outro pet que eu recusei. Quando a troca liberou ele nunca colocou o pet do acordo no inventário tampouco me deu qualquer previsão sobre quando poderia fazer a trade. Se sentiu ofendido quando eu perguntei se ele ia cancelar a trade e eu poderia marcá-lo como badtrade e ignorou minhas mensagens por dias. Tive que perguntar pra um admin da tropa dele o que estava acontecendo. Esperei por 12 dias após a trade ser liberada, ou seja, meu pet ficou reservado por 24 dias e ele nunca se incomodou em me dar qualquer posição. Disse que tinha meu pet mas eu até duvido disso. Depois de todo esse tempo eu desisti de esperar. Não me importaria de esperar se eu tivesse alguma posição, mas não falar nada e ignorar minhas mensagens foi um ato de falta de respeito com outro jogador.


    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
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