Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Robert Chin ★★ · 
    Robert Chin 7y ago
    ranger avatar L70
  • Pennypop needs to learn how to treat their customers.
  • 1 flag
    Tiffany S. ★★★
    Tiffany S.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage title
    Image titleHe backed out because he said it was implied that you have to trade max for max.. I dont agree.. With all others I've traded with we have always writen to eachother if we wanted something different for the trade before accepting the trade as it is.. i'm not saying be careful about trading with this guy.. just simply be SURE what your deal is before the 12 days has gone 😊👍
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
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