We have 2 trade to be done , omegawebula for 3 maxed specials and billygoatflufy for 3 maxed specials too. These trades must be completed b4 2 weeks.. we did only one omegawebula for 3 maxed specials... and i gave a chance for this guy for both trade and especially for the second trade but he is not responding to any of my mags and i can see him online
Hello, BCrank, this guy had already 10 day friendship with me, and then just unfrieded me. When I asked him why he did that, he just stated that he was wrong, and that he didn’t carry the mob he was supposed to trade with me. I even tried to check if he had any mob that could satisfy instead, but he wanted me to get a different active passive mob that doesn’t fit me. So I have no other option but to request that he is flagged for that
Two seasoned Rainbow PvPers slug it out in one of the preliminary rounds of the Rainbow Specials Tournament. Watch how each player make massive combos to knock each other out.
Watch Chanco21's water team vs. PHKES5's water team.
Chanco21 has a 1251 PvP rating and his team features 2 invincible, 1 counter, 1 shield, and 1 swap for actives.
This video explains how to properly use the Swap ability on Battle Camp. It also describes a method you can use to become better at it. All mechanics and calculations behind Battle Camp gem-matching are explained.
Backed out of trade after 24h.
Backed out of trade after 24h.
Backed out of trade after 24h.
Backed out of trade after 24h.