Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Vladimir Gavrilov ★★ · 
    Vladimir Gavrilov 7y ago
    ranger avatar L54
  • Leaf/ cancer
  • 2 flags
    Grant K. ★★★
    Grant K.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleAgreed to a trade with this player and added as friends on 10/8/16.While posting the agreed upon monsters I noticed he had not completed his part of the deal and he tried to get me to accept the trade with his monster at passive level 1 when the trade was agreed as passive 3. I was already significantly over-paying for his monster and then he tried to scam me out of 2 passive levels and sneakily posted the trade trying to get me to accept. I gave him nearly 2 more weeks time and asked if he wanted the trade, thinking it may have been a mistake, he responded that he did. After waiting a significant amount of time, messaging trying to sort out the details and him trying to scam me when I was already over-paying I feel this flag is warranted and the trade is void due to his lack of ability to honor of his word.
    Be careful exchanging with a player like this! Image title
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
    Hevidar A. ★★★
    Hevidar A.
    he made me wait 5 days whithout communicating at all.  Afterwards he sent me the mob level 1 as we agreed on pe and max 
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage title
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
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