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  • Dexter Yamada  ·  ·  · 
    Dexter Yamada 7y ago
    ranger avatar L56
  • Looking for Top 10 BR Troop
  • 1 flag
    Cody Jeffery ★★★
    Cody Jeffery
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleWe made a deal for his mech for my Skion feeder. On trade day I sent the 2 trades and he accepted the trade for my Skion but rejected the trade for his mech. After he messaged me saying he didn't have enough trades and that he would accept after reset. Well after reset I sent trade again and he never accepted. Now when I go to send the trade the mob is no longer in his inventory and he won't respond to any of my messages. This guy is just a liar who is out to steal mobs 
    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
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