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  • Stef Hartig  ·  · 
    Stef Hartig 6y ago
    ranger avatar L57
  • ❤️♍️⭐️⭐️Bionic Hazards ⭐️ ⭐️ ♍️❤️
  • 1 flag
    Martin Buccolo ★★★
    Martin Buccolo
    Posted fake monsters.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleFirst the pet that was going to give to me was not Pisces but Scorpio, bad the zodiac, later I accept 1 by 1 although it does not serve to me and soon it says to me that it does not have it. I wasted my time and already had the pets for evo
    Approved by Solid77 6 years ago.
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