Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Francesco Mattera  ·  ·  · 
    Francesco Mattera 6y ago
    ranger avatar L55
  • 77fyfz
  • 4 flags
    Soradol Kiratipongvut ★★★
    Soradol Kiratipongvut
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleThis is not only just backed out issue but also he has no monster as proposed.He is the bad trader and BC should banned him.Image titleImage titleImage title
    Approved by chickybb 6 years ago.
    Chris Williams ★★★
    Chris Williams
    Posted fake monsters.
    Please avoid trading with this person
    This person is listing mobs they don't have and wasting people's time.
    He offered this mob for me and turns out he didn't even have it.
    Our trade was ready, he asked I wait even longer, 4 days later I was told trade is ready so held trade back then another day later was told he didn't have the mob to trade. Now up to 2 weeks wasted.
    He didn't even try to make it right or offer anything in return despite my offer to send a different mob than we originally agreed too.

    This is a BAD TRADER, please avoid them so you don't waste your time too.

    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage title
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
    Iván RM ★★★
    Iván RM
    Posted fake monsters.
    Image titleWe had a trade pumpkinspite for pumpkinspite, The only reason i Accepted was because he needed a zodiac swap and now he says he doesn't have The Monster yet and we have to wait 6 more days, i really don't care about this but i need to evolve my own pumpkin and can't wait for him to Get The mob, now im flagging him to protect myself from being flaggedImage title
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
    Sheila C. ★★ · 
    Sheila C.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    já ganhou o comércio para 3 dias e ele não o fez, já tentou falar e não me responder
    imagem de títuloimagem de título
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
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