Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Vincent Canard  ·  · 
    Vincent Canard 3y ago
    ranger avatar L70
  • Hi
  • 2 flags
    Danna H. ★★★
    Danna H.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleNo response. Complete waste of time to try trading with this person 
    Approved by Solid77 3 years ago.
    Paula Escobar Ruiz ★★★
    Paula Escobar Ruiz
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleUser accepted a proposed trade, but after 6 days he still has not answered any messages regarding  the trade, nor has accepted or sent a friend request delaying even more the trade date. It seems he doesn't have any intention in tradingImage title
    Approved by Solid77 3 years ago.
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