Where to start. he never had the mobs he promised. he kept trying to say the wispons werent in my inventory and was trying to force me to put ones from my dom team in there. I had him label the mobs and they were the wrong ones. he ended up sending the trade but sent the wrong mobs for me and chose the wrong ones. he threatened me saying hes telling everyone im a scammer esp like my troop leader. Hes not good peoples. stay away
I noticed he offered me not the mob he posted on bcrank and accidently clicked the accept button instead of reject , afther that i send him several messages to inform him it was the wrong mob (could be a honest mistake i thought) , directly he mute me and delete me as friend so further trading is no possible , grtz dusty9x
Two seasoned Rainbow PvPers slug it out in one of the preliminary rounds of the Rainbow Specials Tournament. Watch how each player make massive combos to knock each other out.
Watch Chanco21's water team vs. PHKES5's water team.
Chanco21 has a 1251 PvP rating and his team features 2 invincible, 1 counter, 1 shield, and 1 swap for actives.
This video explains how to properly use the Swap ability on Battle Camp. It also describes a method you can use to become better at it. All mechanics and calculations behind Battle Camp gem-matching are explained.
Backed out of trade after 24h.
Backed out of trade after 24h.