Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Mustafa Olivyeejiru  ·  · 
    Mustafa Olivyeejiru 6y ago
    ranger avatar L49
  • abcafv
  • 3 flags
    Michelle L. ★★★
    Michelle L.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
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    I'm not sure this is counted as backing out but the dude won't reply, he must've seen my messages since my last message was 14hrs ago and he logged in around 7hrs ago.
    It's the same as the previous messages, I always pm him when he logged in around 1-2 hrs ago
    (All screenshots are taken at the same time)

    It's been 3 days, almost 4 now. I just want him to reply. Even on fb.
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    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
    Camp B. ★★★
    Camp B.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleThis trade was my 3 supers for an ultra and super, which meant 4 trades. A few days before the trading date i messaged the user asking if we could do one super and one ultra then the following day the other 2 supers, he said no ultra on day one. I went on facebook and messaged the official BC rank account and they replied to me saying person with the highest reputation decides, i have 28 thanks no flags, he has 11 thanks and 1 flag, so mine was better. He continued to say only super first, but the strange part, his team was made up of evolved leaf supers and his offer to me was an evolved reward ultra, so that is better than all his team but wasnt it it. I asked him to put the mob in his team so i could see it, but he said was in an other account, after this he came online a few times and was ignoring me, when he replied he said he would transfer it over the next day which was a day before the trade, 19 hours later he came online. He said to me that he still couldnt trade it over and there was no proof of the mob still, i asked him to tell me the other accounts in game name so i could look at the team and see if it was there, he never responded to that message. He came online and said only supers first and i explained what i was told by the official BC rank and he just kept saying no ultras first then started threating to flag me (exactly the same as his other flag). I tried many times to compromise but he just kept saying no and wasnt having it. The reason i messaged BC rank was to see what we should do, and they replied to me quickly and told me, but the other person did not agree. As he clearly didnt want to go first and i didnt i even offered him the chance just to leave it so we both didnt have to go first and not flag but he, like me, still wanted the trade, but again refused to go first. Further down the chat he started getting more agressive and threatening to flag me, although it was me trying to make the trade happen. I still have not seen the mob or any proof like i asked for that he owns the ultra. Image title
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
    Sayuri Mizuguchi  ·  · 
    Sayuri Mizuguchi
    He has offered me a pet at best as the image below. However, after waiting 12 days, he told me that " thought " that my pet was maximum. And said it would only change if I maxed it. And even threatened me.Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage title
    He's kidding me... 
    It can only be kidding , he did not see or the pet that is sending proposal ...
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
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