Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Maurizio Anselmini  ·  · 
    Maurizio Anselmini 7y ago
    ranger avatar L51
  • capricorn leaf
  • 3 flags
    Fernando Rubio Pacheco ★★★
    Fernando Rubio Pacheco
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Never answered or accepted my friend Image titleImage titlerequest
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
    Onur Serbest ★★★
    Onur Serbest
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    He said I lost trade monster. so I flag him.Image titleImage titleImage title
    Approved by Solid77 7 years ago.
    Mk O.  ·  ·  · 
    Mk O.
    Posted fake monsters.
    posted as "crush+" but actually "snipe+" and mob was not maxed even though we confirmed in our initial msg both the active power and that the mob would be maxed. apparently, there was a translation issue, so make sure that the posted mob you want exists in his inventory before proceeding with trade.Image titleImage titleImage title
    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
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