Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Jimmy L. ★★ · 
    Jimmy L. 8y ago
    ranger avatar L56
  • Lf a laday.
  • 2 flags
    Junmo Kim ★★ · 
    Junmo Kim
    Dear Admin,
    I tried to trade with this guy with ultra and his epic. However he only accepted my ultra trade and denided epic trade. I try to talk with him but he muted me. I believe this is enough for him to get flag and I'd want him to get flag
    I attached the evidence screenshots.
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    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
    Ign Gallein Nasution ★★★
    Ign Gallein Nasution
    Hi admin, i made a trade deal with this guy, the trade was my puncho for his onyzaur, but then when the trade day came, he only accept the super i set, and reject the ultra offer, u can see from the chat boz and the screenshot from the pennypopsupport page, he rejected, i already consult this with my troop and his troop, and he is kicked put of his troop, and many efforts i did, including chat him in his bcrank page befor i decide to report and flag him, but then he blocked me and also muted bcapps, im very disapointed of this trouble... i'm a good trader and never scam people, but i can not believe im become victim.. i already state all the evidence, im very surprised if u deny this flag proposal... thank u for ur time... 
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    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
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