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  • Anderson Dias  ·  ·  · 
    Anderson Dias 8y ago
    ranger avatar L37
  • xef6cg
  • 1 flag
    Christine N. ★★ · 
    Christine N.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage title
    Set up trade two weeks ago, told him from the beginning that i had lots of trades set up so it may be pushed back a little. I told him a few days before we could trade, he didnt have any trades but he asked me to wait because he was using the mob for the event. I agreed to wait. After event, i asked him if he could trade, he said he changed his mind. I saw on his bcrank that he set up another trade for the same mob and he doesnt even have it on his team...
    Approved by chickybb 8 years ago.
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