Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Thomas Frances  ·  ·  · 
    Thomas Frances 8y ago
    ranger avatar L60
  • .
  • 4 flags
    Flip Harold ★★★
    Flip Harold
    Backed out of trade after 24h.

    Sad case with this trader. He openly does not care about flags which is all well and good for himself but fact is, everyone else cares so he should. You can not trust that an agreement with him will be honored after 12 days and I advise no traders to engage with him as he is also very ride and demanding.

    Our agreement was made on June 3rd on bcrank. After a while he was having trouble finding a feeder and asked for help because no one would trade with him for the flags. On June 11 he told me he was giving up and he "should decline". Seemingly referring to our trade. This was 7 days after the window for him to unaccept had closed.

    When I tried to initiate the trade yesterday he told me we were not going to do it. He claims our trade was contingent on one of us finding a feeder ramethyst for him. This was never the case as you can see in the screenshots. It was only after 8 days that he told me he would not do the trade without a feeder.

    Avoid this trader at all costs



    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
    Amber Tan ★★ · 
    Amber Tan
    Backed out of trade after 24h.

    blocked me on fb after trade was back up. did not even notify me that he wants to back out. went to one of his trading thread to ask about our trade, did not reply to my message (as shown in ss) but instead declined an offer that was posted after my message.

    irresponsible and lousy trader. trade at your own risk. just know that it sucks to have your monster all ready for trade and this guy just disappears.

    Approved by Solid77 9 years ago.
    Jeff Martin ★★★
    Jeff Martin
    Backed out of trade after 24h.

    Day that trade was due, didn't have monster available for trade, stopped talking to me

    Approved by Solid77 9 years ago.
    Susanne G. ★★ · 
    Susanne G.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.

    rejected my trade and blocked me on FB now.

    Approved by Solid77 9 years ago.
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