Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Samuel Delli Carri ★★ · 
    Samuel Delli Carri 7y ago
    ranger avatar L59
  • a6c202
  • 1 flag
    Ismail B. ★★★
    Ismail B.
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Ok, I agreed on a trade with this guy for a Brerefreyr feeder in return I would give him 2 Charged and 1 Potent maxed water special, he accepted. On our trade day I pm'ed him he answered the other day telling me he doesn't have free trades i said ok. The next day I pm him asking for the trade and that I need the feeder asap he replies to me telling me that he just have 1 trade left and he wants the specials first. I confront him threaten him with a flag, telling him I won't wait 3 more days for the mob. Offered him the first charged today the next one tomorrow together with the feeder trade and the last maxed special the third day. He accepted but when I used the 3x instead of charged he tries to scam me telling me he wants 2 energized which wasn't even our agreement as you can see on the trade. He plays dumb laughs which really makes me mad because there is nothing funny in here because he wasted 2 weeks of my time and now he doesn't even answer my messages. (Picture of our trade agreement is at the bottom).Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage title
    Approved by chickybb 8 years ago.
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