Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Ceyhun Arican ★★ · 
    Ceyhun Arican 7y ago
    ranger avatar L65
  • Dont say impasible 😎
  • 4 flags
    Rok Klemenčič ★★ · 
    Rok Klemenčič
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleHi, this person backed out after 12 days, he wruted me when it was 11days 23h and 40min that i have 20min time and we trade, and i said we can trade in 4 hours, and he said he will flag me for that. 
    Look guys i couldnt trade for 4 hours, and he cant trade for 2 weeks now.. I said im not in a hurry and that i can wait and he said he wont trade. 
    He said i should trade in those 4hours, eventough if you said to him that everyone has 3 days to trade, thats 72hours, and from thise 72 hours i couldnt trade only 4 hours and he couldnt trade 68hours. And i said np, i can wait, cause im friendly and i undrrstand if he has other trades, but he said this is my problem and that im getting flagged etc. Anyway. This person shouldnt be trading anymore, hes driving people mad with his trading rules.. HIS trading rules not bc rank trading rules, and hes backing off, after i say its okay, that i can wait for his free trades :)
    Greetings, Rok!

    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
    Raphael Chen ★★★
    Raphael Chen
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    We set up a trade (Seature Gladiator/ Treeture Gladiator), but at the trade day he informed me that he doesnt have the pet. I gave him more days (7) to solve the problem but he did nothing.

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    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
    Haziq Bakhtiar ★★★
    Haziq Bakhtiar
    He did not trade the monster after the trade is available. I wait for 3 days for him to set the trade but nothing happened. See screenshot below. Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage title
    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
    Rafa Tiger ★★★
    Rafa Tiger
    Posted fake monsters.
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    Approved by chickybb 8 years ago.
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