Did a 4 for 1 trade hoprock, taillight, fampire, and heartbreaker for my hallowshroud. He accepted everything and never gave me my heartbreaker at the end... My deal ended up being definitely not worth it...
Backed out of trade after I raised the passive by 3, maxed the bluebeast and 3 specials. He rejected my trade offers multiple times. Kept putting off a day to trade. He also unfriended me in game. Called me homophobic slurs. After I refused to send specials before epics because I saw that he just scammed/stolen a monster from someone.
Two seasoned Rainbow PvPers slug it out in one of the preliminary rounds of the Rainbow Specials Tournament. Watch how each player make massive combos to knock each other out.
Watch Chanco21's water team vs. PHKES5's water team.
Chanco21 has a 1251 PvP rating and his team features 2 invincible, 1 counter, 1 shield, and 1 swap for actives.
Backed out of trade after 24h.
Backed out of trade after 24h.
Scamming or selling.
Backed out of trade after 24h.