Hi, I want to flag this player because he stop replying me just the day before we can trade, so I can't trade my mob with his. Don't trade with him, he's a very bad trader!!
I am flagging this user because he backed out of a trade. He offered me a 'Chimpera' for a 'Cluquistador' which I had posted on bcrank.
On August 26th, he offered me a Chimpera, if I could Perefect Evolve the Cluquistador for him. His Chimpera was not the zodiac that I needed, but accepted it since I had a Gemini Chirpera & I could use his Chimpera as a 2nd evo feeder. He asked me to send him a message on Facebook, which I did. He did not respond that day. So I unaccepted the offer on bcrank & informed him on FB that I was reluctant with the trade. He responded a day later & convinced me that he was serious. So I found another Cluquistador, traded one of my other ultras for it, & perfect evolved the mob for him.
I maxed 2 ultras & 4 specials in order to perfect evolve the Cluquistador for him. This cost me 3 feeding boosters, over 10 specials, countless stones(game currency), & another Ultra. I put off evolving other mobs in my inventory so I could prepare this trade for him. After all my effort, he backed out because my mob wasn't maxed. Which he never mentioned before or I wouldn't have made the deal.
Please do what you can about this user. I have attached screenshots of our conversation on FB for you.
Two seasoned Rainbow PvPers slug it out in one of the preliminary rounds of the Rainbow Specials Tournament. Watch how each player make massive combos to knock each other out.
Watch Chanco21's water team vs. PHKES5's water team.
Chanco21 has a 1251 PvP rating and his team features 2 invincible, 1 counter, 1 shield, and 1 swap for actives.
Scamming or selling.
Hi, I want to flag this player because he stop replying me just the day before we can trade, so I can't trade my mob with his. Don't trade with him, he's a very bad trader!!

Backed out of trade.
I am flagging this user because he backed out of a trade. He offered me a 'Chimpera' for a 'Cluquistador' which I had posted on bcrank.
On August 26th, he offered me a Chimpera, if I could Perefect Evolve the Cluquistador for him. His Chimpera was not the zodiac that I needed, but accepted it since I had a Gemini Chirpera & I could use his Chimpera as a 2nd evo feeder. He asked me to send him a message on Facebook, which I did. He did not respond that day. So I unaccepted the offer on bcrank & informed him on FB that I was reluctant with the trade. He responded a day later & convinced me that he was serious. So I found another Cluquistador, traded one of my other ultras for it, & perfect evolved the mob for him.
I maxed 2 ultras & 4 specials in order to perfect evolve the Cluquistador for him. This cost me 3 feeding boosters, over 10 specials, countless stones(game currency), & another Ultra. I put off evolving other mobs in my inventory so I could prepare this trade for him. After all my effort, he backed out because my mob wasn't maxed. Which he never mentioned before or I wouldn't have made the deal.
Please do what you can about this user. I have attached screenshots of our conversation on FB for you.
Thank you.