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  • Daniel L.  ·  · 
    Daniel L. 6y ago
    ranger avatar L58
  • Suchen aktive spieler
  • 2 flags
    Gnito I. ★★ · 
    Gnito I.
    Image titleImage titleImage titleImage titleImage titleHi, I traded a Psychorion and the this guy cheated.
    At first he offered two Flysaur maxed, perfectly evolved, Cavalry level 6. Then he said he made a mistake so he changed to two (same monster) rogue.
    Because of the limitations during trading I can only trade two monsters a day. So he got the Psychorion and I got one Flysaur.
    One was left so he offered me a Flysaur but Mender not rogue. Much less worthy.
    He offered me another monster but still much less worthy.
    Now he muted me and don't want to trade.
    Facebook Name: Daniel Luckner
    IGN: Gekabor20

    I hope you can help me! Thank you in advance!
    Approved by Solid77 6 years ago.
    Kongpatapee Sakveraprasert ★★★
    Kongpatapee Sakveraprasert
    Backed out of trade after 24h.
    he gave monster to another guy
    Image title
    Approved by Solid77 6 years ago.
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