Reported flags for this user for violating the rules.

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  • Konrad Ksel  ·  ·  · 
    Konrad Ksel 7y ago
    ranger avatar L58
  • bycecb
  • 1 flag
    Nicole H. ★★★
    Nicole H.
    Posted fake monsters.

    I've accepted two weeks ago a trade with my Lovemonkey against a Tikitalon and a Firefighter, a 2:1 trade. After the 12 days I was aksed to trade after the event, that was fine by me. Since two days I 'v written Koksi1993 several times that he should give his mobs in the inventory. After a few hours he wrote he doesn't have the Tikitalon.  Additionally do I think that he posted the offered Firefighter a second time. 
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    Approved by Solid77 8 years ago.
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