LF wind Leo

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  • Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah 1y ago
    ranger avatar L53
  • 4zcxfb
  • 2y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Nathan Mah
    Nathan Mah
     ·   · 
    Lacerate Lethal · 1
    Eggerator rock
  • LF wind Leo
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe Hello is your monster far from being PE ?
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah not far, very nearly PE
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah 89% to be exact
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe Ok it s good but probably not good enough to trade it for the same in my zodiac …
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah depending on what you'd be offering I could add ...
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe Do you only need wind monsters in leo ? Or other elements too ?
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah since I'm fairly new to the game, my main goal is to make a strong wind leo team. I haven't started putting together other elements/zodiacs-
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah So I'm not too sure yet, send any offers you think would be interesting and so I can accept or decline :P
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe Ok if you need i have 2 wind leo monsters who are PE maxed with bound equipment
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe i don’t need them anymore because they don’t have second evo but they can probably increase your strengh right now
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah hmm what are they
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe i will post them to make an offer in your post (they have 1280 attack without counting the passive or equipment
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah thats pretty good-
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe 
    Chairibou wind
    Rogue+ · 2
    offer accepted   ·    2y ago
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe I have 2 of them (exactly the same)
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah those would increase my pr and damage output pretty significantly, I'm just worried about long-term hardships that might arise
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah I haven't seen many get traded and so I'm worried I wont be able to use them to advance my team any further in the future; people wont trade
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe It s not to advance your team in the future you won’t be able to increase it with these monsters
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe as for trading you probably won’t get much proposals for those chairibou
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe but you won’t get much proposals for your monster either because it s quite far from being PE
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah that's true
    2y ago · translate
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah do you have any other offers, as of right now I'm open to all elements and zodiacs as I have yet to form secondary (and so on) teams
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe I think you should focus on a single zodiac and a single element to increase you strengh
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe i can give you a fire ultra with bound equipment but i think it s better if you try to get a wind ultra in leo with it
    2y ago · translate
    Anais Sibe ★★★
    Anais Sibe 
    Leoflare fire
    Rogue+ · 1
    2y ago
    Nathan Mah  ·  · 
    Nathan Mah hmm I think you're right, I'll take the charibou !
    2y ago · translate

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