LF max specials

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  • Wesley M. ★★ · 
    Wesley M. 8y ago
    ranger avatar L65
  • Recruiting for TheGrandsmiths
  • 9y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Wesley M.
    Wesley M.
    ★ ★  · 
    Vampire+ Rogue · 1
    Rabbot water
    Andre Ford
    Andre Ford
     ·   · 
    comment picture
  • LF max specials
    ill offer 1 maxed fire x5 energized special and one rare
    Andre Ford  ·  · 
    Andre Ford i can offer you a maxed Energized special in any element if you can max it
    9y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★ · 
    Wesley M. Works for me. Fire would be good if you have it. Will you offer a random rare here, so I can keep track of the trade?
    9y ago · translate
    Andre Ford  ·  · 
    Andre Ford ill offer 1 maxed fire x5 energized special and one rare
    offer accepted   ·    9y ago · translate
    Andre Ford  ·  · 
    Andre Ford ill even throw in a x2 fire special for being accepting the trade 😊
    9y ago · translate
    Andre Ford  ·  · 
    Andre Ford You can accept the picture. I sent a request via BC so just add me on facebook please
    9y ago · translate

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