Lf lethal or rogue feeder

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  • Azis Aris ★★ · 
    Azis Aris 5y ago
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  • 9y ago

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    Azis Aris
    Azis Aris
    ★ ★  · 
    Burst Barbarian · 1
    Execrowtioner wind
    Indiya G.
    Indiya G.
     ·   ·   · 
    comment picture
  • Lf lethal or rogue feeder
    I can definitely max the Freezerex if you want to trade it for execrowtioner.
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. Is it PE?
    9y ago · translate
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. This is PE but not max Lvl. It is a tier 1 but could be used as a feeder if needed. What Lvl is execrowtioner?
    9y ago · translate
    Azis Aris ★★ · 
    Azis Aris max, please maxed it if you want my freezaur
    9y ago · translate
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. ? I don't understand what your saying? Is the execrowtioner max and PE?
    9y ago · translate
    Azis Aris ★★ · 
    Azis Aris up sorry, can you maxed your freezrex ? my exec its maxed
    9y ago · translate
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. Is execrowtioner PE(perfect evolve)?
    9y ago · translate
    Azis Aris ★★ · 
    Azis Aris yup, pe and maxed
    9y ago · translate
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. ? I thought you where looking for a lethal feeder? You are aware that the level of the feeder doesn't effect the % of the passive ability.
    9y ago · translate
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. I can max it if you really want it max though, it shouldn't take me long.
    9y ago · translate
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. Could you upload a screenshot of the Execrowtioner?
    9y ago · translate
    Azis Aris ★★ · 
    Azis Aris this
    9y ago · translate
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. I can definitely max the Freezerex if you want to trade it for execrowtioner.
    offer accepted   ·    9y ago · translate
    Azis Aris ★★ · 
    Azis Aris can you maxed ??
    9y ago · translate
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. I can max it yes
    9y ago · translate
    Indiya G.  ·  ·  · 
    Indiya G. Do we have a deal?
    9y ago · translate

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