Offer anyone gemini.

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  • Matheus Alves  ·  ·  · 
    Matheus Alves 7y ago
    ranger avatar L45
  • matheus vilhalva alves (face) add
  • 9y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Matheus Alves
    Matheus Alves
     ·   ·   · 
    Barrier Gladiator · 1
    Odinstweet wind
    Dezarae P.
    Dezarae P.
     ·   ·   · 
    comment picture
  • Offer anyone gemini.
    I have the same monster that's Gemini and has barrier and shaman. Also it's already maxed out. Would you like to trade?
  • 1 comment
    Dezarae P.  ·  ·  · 
    Dezarae P. I have the same monster that's Gemini and has barrier and shaman. Also it's already maxed out. Would you like to trade?
    offer accepted   ·    9y ago · translate

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