Looking for same in taurus, drizzard in capricorn or can do zod swap free :) or if you're nice you can add hehe

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  • Riana M. ★★★
    Riana M. 1w ago
    vip 3
    ranger avatar L70
  • Retired. Don't invite me to a troop unless you don't mind me being afk 馃槀
  • 8y ago

    Offer Accepted

  • Looking for same in taurus, drizzard in capricorn or can do zod swap free :) or if you're nice you can add hehe
    Anything u can add in for this?馃檪
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. will get from a trade if you want to wait or add me in game
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. Anything u can add in for this?馃檪
    Flizard wind +900% attack
    Gladiator · 3
    offer accepted   ·    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. not really, it's the same mob and i don't exactly need it :/ i need that mob in taurus i'm just offering the one i get in trade as a zod swa
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. So if one for one u r ok?
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. yes, just helping community with zod swap that's all lel
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. Add me in game and when i get it i will accept. may take a while because i'm going to have to do 2 trades for this
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. ok~added
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. Thanks :)
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. u can accept this first=]
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. at least i know this is confirmed then i can reserve this mob for you
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. Hi Riana, can you accpet the deal to confirm? cos i will be having others offering me too. thanks
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. I can't until i have the mob otherwise i may get flagged
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. WHEN WILL U GET IT? u can accept it first from stopping others offer, will not flag u~~if we do trade=]
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. Don't worry dude, i won't back out of it
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. Getting it in 12 days, just add me in bc so we won't have such a long wait
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. the time i accept probably doesn't matter, i just don't want to be flagged
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. =] ok
    8y ago · translate
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix ★★ · 
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix 
    Gloomsayer fire
    Quick Strike+
    Rogue · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix ★★ · 
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix 2:1
    Plasmolizard fire +500% attack
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix ★★ · 
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix May u you check out my posts and lmk if you'd be interested in sth
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. Ok, but not really interested in anything at the moment
    8y ago · translate
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix ★★ · 
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix What r u looking for ? Maybe there's sth I could get for u
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. Riana..havent we confirmed a deal? Seems like u r still open to others???馃槕
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. U told me u still havent got the mob but u just left our deal out there without confirming
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. Yeah we've confirmed a deal, just letting him know i'm not interested
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. You seem awfully desperate for this mob xD
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. well im desperate making a deal with u xd
    8y ago · translate
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix ★★ · 
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix 
    Romouse leaf
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix ★★ · 
    C氓rl酶 Cr么ix 2:1?
    Romouse leaf
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. No spare ultras
    8y ago · translate
    James Sabina ★★★
    James Sabina 
    Wispon wind +1100% attack
    Rogue · 2
    declined   ·    8y ago
    James Sabina ★★★
    James Sabina 2:1
    Seature water +500% attack
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. Hi Riana=] can we trade now?:)
    8y ago · translate
    James Sabina ★★★
    James Sabina 
    Drizzard water +900% attack
    Priest · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. Jayson, the guy still hasnt given me the thing i need for the trade..
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. Ok Riana! Thanks for keeping your words! I will wait for u馃槑馃憤
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. I'm really sorry bro, this guy is holding me up :(
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. I feel really bad for the other person i'm trading with and you too
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. Riana, you can accpet my trade offer first, i wont flag you, i will wait for you=] just wanna remind myself that i am gonna reserve this mob
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. What if i never get the mob? I'll really feel horrible then...
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. u can accept this first, if not i will not flag you, at least i wanna know if you do get it you will trade with me=]
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. i mean even if we dont trade at the end
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. do u know when will that guy trade with you?
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. I have no idea, he's saying random rubbish how i need to max my mob when he accepted it unmax
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. and i can't max my mob D:
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. i see~~how you can work out a deal with him~~=]
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. I've been trying to talk to him in game but he ignored so i had to message him on bcrank!
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. at the mean time, u can accept our trade first=]
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. its okay=]
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. Here's the link if you're interested: https://bcrank.us/trade/?id=2882366 ~.~
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. I'll accept it now but can you add me on facebook? so you can message me again and i can let you know on how this goes :/
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. sure thing
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. Pls add me now and i'll accept lel
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Jayson L. lol~~sent=]
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Riana M. xD thank youu~
    8y ago · translate

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