Wind swap offer other cancer crowst ONLY with offensive skills.

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  • BC B.  ·  ·  · 
    BC B. 8y ago
    ranger avatar L48
  • We are looking for active players able to do LT. If you want to join feel free to request.
  • 9y ago

    Offer Accepted

    BC B.
    BC B.
     ·   ·   · 
    Swap Mender · 1
    Crowst wind
    Benjamin H.
    Benjamin H.
    ★ ★ ★
    Blast Rogue · 1
    Rockbottom rock
  • Wind swap offer other cancer crowst ONLY with offensive skills.
    Mason Phillips  ·  ·  · 
    Mason Phillips 
    Crowst wind
    Brawler · 2
    9y ago
    BC B.  ·  ·  · 
    BC B. I mad a mistake. He's actually a Virgo instead of a cancer if you still want him
    9y ago · translate
    BC B.  ·  ·  · 
    BC B. Have any cancer tier 1?
    9y ago · translate
    Benjamin H. ★★★
    Benjamin H. Not in cancer sry
    9y ago · translate
    Benjamin H. ★★★
    Benjamin H. But i can add a maxed special to the rockbottom
    9y ago · translate
    Benjamin H. ★★★
    Benjamin H. Oh sry i haven´t seen your twice flagged. Sorry i won´t trade with you :(
    9y ago · translate
    BC B.  ·  ·  · 
    BC B. Lol that's at the very start when I didn't care much about the game. After that I've been getting nothing but likes
    9y ago · translate
    BC B.  ·  ·  · 
    BC B. t okay good luck
    9y ago · translate
    Benjamin H. ★★★
    Benjamin H. I can only offer the rockbottom and i think you don´t need it or do you ? It´s alway hard to trust people with flags i think you understand.
    Rockbottom rock
    Rogue · 1
    declined   ·    9y ago · translate
    BC B.  ·  ·  · 
    BC B. Don't worry I won't back out.
    9y ago · translate
    Benjamin H. ★★★
    Benjamin H. sry just seen its swap rock to wind. but i need heart to wind.
    9y ago · translate
    Benjamin H. ★★★
    Benjamin H. or is it hearth to wind there are two different of them available. if its hearth to wind you can accept again. if not plz decline. thx :)
    9y ago · translate
    Benjamin H. ★★★
    Benjamin H. 
    Rockbottom rock
    Rogue · 1
    offer accepted   ·    9y ago

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