Anybody needs this?

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  • Manami T. ★★★
    Manami T. 7y ago
    ranger avatar L70
  • friendly active players~~ join us 💟love to eat😋💟
  • 8y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Manami T.
    Manami T.
    ★ ★ ★
    Swap+ Lethal · 1
    Bitesize water
    Kiuki Pro
    Kiuki Pro
     ·   ·   · 
    comment picture comment picture
  • Anybody needs this?
    Aye i was. But those two i ve already trade it. But, its ur lucky day. I ve only recieved rares on the event. I can trade a one of these or
    Kiuki Pro  ·  ·  · 
    Kiuki Pro 
    Bitesize water
    Lethal · 1
    8y ago
    Kiuki Pro  ·  ·  · 
    Kiuki Pro I need it
    8y ago · translate
    Kiuki Pro  ·  ·  · 
    Kiuki Pro Choose one if you want to trade yours
    8y ago · translate
    Manami T. ★★★
    Manami T. You are offering both bitesize and one of the recent reward mob? or either 1 of 3???
    8y ago · translate
    Kiuki Pro  ·  ·  · 
    Kiuki Pro Aye i was. But those two i ve already trade it. But, its ur lucky day. I ve only recieved rares on the event. I can trade a one of these or
    offer accepted   ·    8y ago · translate
    Kiuki Pro  ·  ·  · 
    Kiuki Pro Both of them. U choose
    8y ago · translate
    Kiuki Pro  ·  ·  · 
    Kiuki Pro For ur capricorn bitesize, with swap+ and lethal 1. So, what do you want?
    8y ago · translate
    Manami T. ★★★
    Manami T. you might need the maxed bite size for you to evolve right, no??
    8y ago · translate
    Kiuki Pro  ·  ·  · 
    Kiuki Pro Aye i might need it. I bu i really dont mind if it isnt maxed. So, u don t need to max it up
    8y ago · translate
    Kiuki Pro  ·  ·  · 
    Kiuki Pro So, its a deal? I give both in exchange of ur bitesize, and u don t need to max it.
    8y ago · translate
    Manami T. ★★★
    Manami T. Oh i meant the one u first offered 😂 sorry it was confusing wording on my end! I totally can give u mine :)
    8y ago · translate

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