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  • Will B. ★★★
    Will B. 7y ago
    ranger avatar L70
  • Deadly Force Troop is recruiting 375k PR+ and a BR Team.
  • 8y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Bear Hopkins
    Bear Hopkins
     ·   · 
    Barrier+ Bulwark · 1
    Odinstweet wind
  • make an offer
    I desperately need this bird of yours. Im willing to trade you all my charged specials, which i think i have like 7 different ones all at ab
    $rangerName  ·  · 
    Jorge R. Max yours and will definitely trade
    Odinstweet wind
    Mender · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Grant K. 
    Snowmonk water
    Crusader · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    $rangerName ★★★
    Grant K. Or this, it's lvl 38 if you level yours up some
    Snowmonk water
    Crusader · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    Bear Hopkins  ·  · 
    Bear Hopkins I desperately need this bird of yours. Im willing to trade you all my charged specials, which i think i have like 7 different ones all at ab
    Odinstweet wind
    Bulwark · 1
    offer accepted   ·    8y ago · translate
    Bear Hopkins  ·  · 
    Bear Hopkins Level 25+.
    8y ago · translate
    Will B. ★★★
    Will B. Max some specials and offer me that have to trade like for like ie ultra for ultra or special for special so unmaxed specials doesn't do
    8y ago · translate
    Will B. ★★★
    Will B. Anything for me as I have to give u a special in return
    8y ago · translate
    Bear Hopkins  ·  · 
    Bear Hopkins ok would you prefer candies instead of specials? i have 3 super candies, 1 epic and 3 ultras. and i believe you can trade them for standard
    8y ago · translate
    Bear Hopkins  ·  · 
    Bear Hopkins specials.
    8y ago · translate
    Bear Hopkins  ·  · 
    Bear Hopkins i can max out the specials, i have 1 x3 florabonita , 1 brainfreez x3 and 3 regular brainfreeze, 1 fire and 3 rock ones. let me know which
    8y ago · translate
    Bear Hopkins  ·  · 
    Bear Hopkins ones you would want, and we can make a deal.
    8y ago · translate
    Will B. ★★★
    Will B. I need fire and rock specials
    8y ago · translate
    Bear Hopkins  ·  · 
    Bear Hopkins Ok. So , my fire special and how many of the rock specials?
    8y ago · translate
    Will B. ★★★
    Will B. Three specials
    8y ago · translate
    Bear Hopkins  ·  · 
    Bear Hopkins Ok.
    8y ago · translate
    Bear Hopkins  ·  · 
    Bear Hopkins Deal.
    8y ago · translate

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