lf swap+ neonlion and crush+ Fire R ultra. sagittarius only!

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  • Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran 5y ago
    ranger avatar L70
  • Carpe diem!
  • 8y ago

    Offer Accepted

    Nicolò Lagorio
    Nicolò Lagorio
     ·   ·   · 
    comment picture
  • lf swap+ neonlion and crush+ Fire R ultra. sagittarius only!
    Vampire+ lethal7 + vemon + lethal 5 all the two pets are noirlord 100% =)
    $rangerName ★★★
    Peter C. Want it back? Lol
    Bunshee water
    Lethal · 5
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    Kyle Scheer ★★★
    Kyle Scheer 
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Kyle Scheer ★★★
    Kyle Scheer 
    Musper fire
    Rogue · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Kyle Scheer ★★★
    Kyle Scheer 
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Kyle Scheer ★★★
    Kyle Scheer 3:1
    8y ago · translate
    Maé Maé  ·  · 
    Maé Maé 
    Violetprime rock
    Lethal · 3
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Сергей Иванов ★★★
    Сергей Иванов 
    MasterSnatcher leaf
    Rogue · 3
    declined   ·    8y ago
    $rangerName ★★ · 
    Gary T. 
    Neoleo fire
    Rogue · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    $rangerName ★★ · 
    Gary T. 2:1
    Noirrior fire
    Rogue · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    Loïs Castellon  ·  · 
    Loïs Castellon 
    Moosesayer fire
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Loïs Castellon  ·  · 
    Loïs Castellon I have this also but no more space to trade multiple ultra, and this is my only epic slot...
    Woeburner fire
    Rogue · 1
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran I need swap+
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran Can you add something with thus worburner. My mob is rogue 7 and is currently more valueable than this spinned mob.
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran You throw in any neonlion feeder pe and we might have a deal.
    8y ago · translate
    Loïs Castellon  ·  · 
    Loïs Castellon ahahah A neon lion feeder PE ahahah excellent .... So my epic is stronger, in anyway, it is a crush not a snipe+
    8y ago · translate
    Loïs Castellon  ·  · 
    Loïs Castellon ok so yours maybe do more dmg, but the fact that you want a neonlion PE for just 6 lvl passive up ahaha seriously ?
    8y ago · translate
    Loïs Castellon  ·  · 
    Loïs Castellon Just checked and that epic rogue 7 do the same amount of dmg + it is crush at the same time and more hp and recovery lol
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran This is R ultra bro. R booster can push this mob pass your woeburner in the long run.
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran Also have you tried leveling up rogue to 7?
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran You know how much mobs are involved to do that
    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★ · 
    Gary T. 
    Neoleo fire
    Rogue · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    $rangerName ★★ · 
    Gary T. 2:1
    Neoleo fire
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Peter C. 
    MasterSnatcher leaf
    Rogue · 5
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Volkan Alpşar ★★★
    Volkan Alpşar 
    Sizzaur fire +2100% attack
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali 
    Neonlion fire
    Rogue · 2
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali 2:1
    Hydroppy water
    Rogue · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali That then ?
    Airbear wind
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran No thanks, dont need airbear. What else can you add with the neonlion. The hydroppy is not good enough.
    8y ago · translate
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali ؟
    Cybug wind
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    $rangerName ★★★
    Robbert d. If you ad wardog
    Dreadhorse water
    Flash Heal+
    Mender · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali I will PE it
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali 
    Hydroppy water
    Rogue · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali 
    Lochnessy water
    Lethal · 1
    declined   ·    8y ago
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali 3:1
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran Ali, if you give me both neonlions then okay. The crush+ and this cancer swap+.
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran Or you up the crush+ passive to 7 and then add any neoleo then okay too.
    8y ago · translate
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali I can i will trade the crush neo for the swap so i can't give you both
    8y ago · translate
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali What about to get one of them and i add the R epic
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran I need it in sagitarrius... So the swap+ cancer is worthless to me. If i cant find a trader, will feed it. The key is passive level.
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran If you cannot match the passive level... Then i want a neonlion feeder. We can take this offline if needed.
    8y ago · translate
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali So the crash neonlion and and feeder neo you will accept ?
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran Yes if you raise passive to 7. If not then, 1 neonlion feeder to be added.
    8y ago · translate
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali Ok give me some time
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran Okay, there are neoleos in this event. Hope you can win and send them my way haha
    8y ago · translate
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali 
    Neonlion fire
    Rogue · 2
    8y ago
    Ward Ali ★★ · 
    Ward Ali 2:1
    declined   ·    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran No
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran Told you already bro... You need to match my passive level 7 on the crush
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran And then you need to add any neoleo
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran If you cannot level up the passive, then you need to add any neonlion
    8y ago · translate
    Nicolò Lagorio  ·  ·  · 
    Nicolò Lagorio Vampire+ lethal7 + vemon + lethal 5 all the two pets are noirlord 100% =)
    offer accepted   ·    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran Can you post the other noirlord? Screenshot preferably
    8y ago · translate
    Vu Tran ★★★
    Vu Tran But if you are offering 2 noirlords for mine then most likely its a go :).
    8y ago · translate
    Nicolò Lagorio  ·  ·  · 
    Nicolò Lagorio I ve write you on Facebook with the 2 screenshot
    8y ago · translate
    Nicolò Lagorio  ·  ·  · 
    Nicolò Lagorio =)
    8y ago · translate

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